The school year was a success. Zachary proved his intelligence by being accepted to Cincinnati Country Day. We are bypassing 2nd grade and will begin CCD in 3rd grade; when our business is established and we are positive we can afford the monthly tuition. Zachary is well and excited to be on summer vacation. I work from home so we get to work in the mornings and play during the afternoon. This spring he played soccer and baseball. I can't believe how much he has grown and improved. He had to hit a ball off a pitching machine at 35 mph. Rarely, did he miss and have to hit off the tee.
Baby Ross at 30 weeks gave us scare after scare, but we are happy to announce he is just fine with a few more weeks to go. We did another 3D/4D ultrasound. Boy... does he look like his brother and daddy. That Ross gene is a strong one, I'll tell ya!
As for Alexis, she now lives with her mother. On May 29, 2009 graduated from Milford High School and has been accepted by Xavier University. Congrats Lexy!