Monday, June 1, 2009

The best baby shower ever....

Christine, Me and Amanda

Sam Lickert, Joe Schermerhorn, Brian Class, Tony and Adam Townley

Sam Lickert, Joe Schermerhorn, (little Ashley Class) Brian Class, Tony, Adam Townley
and my Dad

Aunt Ginger, Cousin Kimberly, Uncle Paul, Grandma Fieler, my Dad and Me

Me and my baby...

Amanda and Christine did an amazing job! That was the first time that anyone has ever thrown a part for me and I couldn't have asked for a better party. I couldn't believe all the food and the presentation; from beef tenderloin, to veggie trays and 4 or 5 different types of deserts!!!! The games were perfect... you can tell they really wanted to throw a party the was personal and perfect. That games were simple and fun, not humiliating. Who wants to measure their stomach to show how big they are? Not me! The guys had fun playing the beer bottle game. They put 2 oz of beer in baby bottles and made them race to finish. Tony cheated by biting through the nipple so it would rush out. HA HA HA! My Uncle Paul, Aunt Ginger and cousin Kimberly from Texas was here, which was the best shower present ever. We are truly grateful for the family and friends that attended... and the gifts...way more than anyone could ever ask for. We have everything we need.... except the baby.
Still undecided on the name though... I guess we will figure it out when he gets here.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The kids

The school year was a success. Zachary proved his intelligence by being accepted to Cincinnati Country Day. We are bypassing 2nd grade and will begin CCD in 3rd grade; when our business is established and we are positive we can afford the monthly tuition. Zachary is well and excited to be on summer vacation. I work from home so we get to work in the mornings and play during the afternoon. This spring he played soccer and baseball. I can't believe how much he has grown and improved. He had to hit a ball off a pitching machine at 35 mph. Rarely, did he miss and have to hit off the tee.

Baby Ross at 30 weeks gave us scare after scare, but we are happy to announce he is just fine with a few more weeks to go. We did another 3D/4D ultrasound. Boy... does he look like his brother and daddy. That Ross gene is a strong one, I'll tell ya!
As for Alexis, she now lives with her mother. On May 29, 2009 graduated from Milford High School and has been accepted by Xavier University. Congrats Lexy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

19 Weeks 4D/3D ultrasound

On February 7, 2009, we went to get another 3D/4D ultrasound. Baby Ross wouldn't sit still last time. It is amazing and disturbing all in the same breath. Each time we get to see his little face we get more and more anxious! This one is even more active than Zach was... wish me luck :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pregnancy and Baby Ross

Yesterday, I was officially 19 weeks pregnant; 19 down and 21 to go. We went to a place called Mirror Imaging to get our first 3D/4D ultrasound. Originally, we were hoping for a little girl, but found out we are having a baby boy! Wish me luck! Three wild and crazy boys! We are really excited to meet this little guy! Right now, we are trying to figure out what we will name him. If you have any ideas... don't hesitate to share! So far Tony and I like Andrew (so we can call him Andy), Jeffery and Zachary Brennan likes Benjamin. We want to keep the "y" sound at the end. We thin it has a nice family ring: Tony, Tammy, Lexy, Zachary and ????

Who we are and how we started...

How we started this family? Well, Tony and I have been together since Dec. 5, 1995. We were married on August 13, 2001 and no one thought we would make it this far.

Tony has shocked me in so many ways! He went from being the black sheep and class clown to one of the hardest working and dedicated people that I know. He helped start a company, which he has ownership in, from the ground up, EA Hunter Transportation. Within their first three years of business they went from rock bottom to straight to the top. We cashed in his inheritance and sacrificed his pay for nearly a year and now his company is doing so well. They won the Inc. 500 award for their category and were named as one of Cincinnati’s Fastest 55 companies. They have been featured in several Inc. 500 magazines and another article is due out this month!!!

Me, well I received my degree in June 2005 for Paralegal Technology from the University of Cincinnati. I have over 7 years experience in the legal field specializing in Federal Litigation (qui tam/ Whistleblower) and Foreclosures. Right now, because of my husband's success, I am able to stay home for a few years to watch Alexis finish her senior year and spread her wings; Zachary finish elementary school and this new baby come into this world and capture the milestones. I have had high paying jobs, but being a mother and wife is truly the best job I could ever have. I always imagined myself being career oriented and having it all; career and family. That's harder than you truly be successful in career or life; I think you have to pick one.

So, Tony and I thought long and hard and we decided it would be best for our family for me to stay home for a few more years. I will be helping out with his company soon, but I have the luxury of doing that from home. I truly feel blessed to have all that we have within our family and home. I would pick the traditional lifestyle of home cooked meals and quality family time over a lifestyle of success and material things any day. Tony and I as a couple, well if you are reading this, you probably know us all too well. Have you ever watched The Notebook? If so, that's us. We are both stubborn, driven individuals but have enough love for one another not to step in each other’s way. Our life together has been a rollercoaster but I cherish each and every minute of it. Tony and I went to middle school together for one year and ten years later we met once again at work. He went to Anderson and I went to Glen Este. We both were in co-op classes our senior years to get out of school early. We worked at the same place, Deluxe Telemarketing... YUCK! We couldn’t' stand each other the first day we met (he wouldn't give up his seat to let me sit next to my friend on my first day.. ha ha!). That probably explains the fact that everything I think I hate about him, I actually love about him when he isn't with me. The next day we talked and got along so well. I told him I was going to my sister's to visit family and he volunteered to go. I didn't think he actually would, so I never called him... HA! He told me the next day that he waited for me the entire day! Finally, like the 4th day we talked again it was love at last. We spent every day together after that!! Everything happens for a reason and the past 13 years resulted in who we are today. For the most part, it has been amazing and hard. We have grown up together, literally. He is my best friend. I love him even when I hate him and I love to hear his opinion even when it is not really what I want to hear. Basically, I wouldn’t give him up for the world. We have been through so much together that now it is just time to grow old together. In 30 more years, I can’t imagine it being anyone else in the rocking chair beside me, watching the sunset and living the simple life. My only dream for us is to have the same relationship that my grandpa and grandma have, Roger and Dorothy Arnold. They are the biggest inspiration to me that a husband and wife could ever have. They are the perfect couple. One day, that will be us!

We had little Zachary Brennan Ross on July 9th, 2002. I know, I know... we didn't waste much time, but he has been the best thing that has ever happened to us. It's funny how kids change your life dramatically, but in a very positive way. Zachary is the most amazing person in the world. He has so much energy (I wish I could bottle it up and sell it...we would make a fortune. His energy would put a Phentermine company to shame). He shocks me almost daily with the things that he says. His analytical/logical thinking skills amaze me and scare me all at the same time. Recently the doctor's told us he was gifted, and it isn't too hard to believe. What in the world are we going to do when he figures out he is smarter than the two of us...LOL. He is the most particular person in this world with a touch of his Grandpa Fieler’s OCD (I dont' say he gets it from me because it started with my dad!!). Two days ago he asked me to iron his pants before school because he didn’t like the “bump by the knees that the hanger left”. He refuses to wear anything but collared shirts to school and puts on one squirt of cologne each morning because he likes to “smell handsome”. I hate to admit this, and don’t ever tell my father because I will deny it if you do, but he alternates his cologne! He won’t wear the same thing two days in a row!

Alexis is absolutely fabulous. We have watched her over the past 4 years and she has gone through so many phases, but I think she has finally figured out who she is; which is more than I can say for 95% of the teenagers out there. It is amazing to see her conquer all the obstacles that come her way. She has so much ability and strength; she just doesn't know it yet. Her passion for the arts and different cultures is astounding. I love to listen to her while she analyzes pictures and poems to find her true meaning of them/in them. She can be very real and deep sometimes. She is great at self-reflecting and facing her flaws to become a better person, which is an amazing trait to have. She is really going to be someone someday. She makes very sound and moral decisions and has her head on straight 99.9% of the time. Having her part of our life has changed all of our lives in many ways, but it was nothing short of positive and a blessing for all of us!

Now that you are done reading what made us who we are today…stay tuned for “A day in the life of the Ross/Schultz Family”. We will update this from time to time and let everyone know what is going on in our lives. :)